Fade Away

1:37 AM / Posted by AC / comments (3)

Fade away, Fade away,
Fade away from my life
and leave me alone.

Leave me alone in the state am in,
I will come back hard as i did before,
You just leave me, let me stay behind,
I will recover, its a promise, mine,
My wounds are fresh, let them heal,
It needs time, not a hand to feel,
I know your love was never real,
So don't tire yourself, with you I won't deal,
I was never yours, you were never mine,
To be in this life or after life,
You told me, I was not your type,
And you learned it after too much time?
But still thanks for making me strong,
It came as one of the test, that I haven't flunked,
Now for your breath I don't crave,
Ya, from your life I will also fade away.